FBX animation export tool

priimuse's picture

build a tool to batch export several aniamtion files and output a single "allTogether" FBX file w/ metadata or several independent FBX files to be used in Unity for SpacePug and also any other project :)


 Utilize existing knowledge of Maya and Python libraries and coding practices to automate and streamline the animation export process.





I made substantial progress on this over the past few days.  I think its about 90% done.  I don't have a way to output the specific animation durations or clip names yet, but this script completely automates my fbx export process, which is awesome!


I navigate to the final animation files and that populates a list, then the code iterates through the list - opening the files and baking the keyframes, then exporting to an ansillary fbx file.  then after that initial iteration is done i open up all those newly made fbx files in another for-loop and delete useless things in them (like controls) then export the animation to a seperate file and then export that fbx with the useless stuff stripped out to a bit of a staging file that is good enough to use in unity.  After that loop is complete, i take all the exported animation files and paste them into a new scene with the rig skinned to the joints.  this is the final export file that contains all the animation clips.


Very cool

Submitted by priimuse on Sun, 2016-09-18 15:44
priimuse's picture

work on cleaning up code and make more universally useful for other ppl looking to use it for more than just a code base.

wrap into a gui if possible, and make the code part currently in the script editor in maya it's own function(s) in the python file i am referencing.  Then call the gui with a make gui function.

Submitted by priimuse on Tue, 2016-09-27 20:47
priimuse's picture

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