To the Fest and Back!

We here at Tiny Phoenix Games love getting to know the community! Earlier this year we detailed our experience with meeting everyone face-to-face at Phoenix Comic Con. It was such a rewarding an excellent experience to meet and interact with our community on a more personal basis. To finish out this year, we were fortunate enough to be on the floor of the Phoenix Conventions Center one last time during Phoenix FanFest.
Day 1 - Getting Set Up
I myself met Tiny Phoenix in this same Conventions Center just last year. I had spent my entire life with a passion for video games and marketing respectively. When I stumbled upon the Tiny Phoenix booth, I knew that I had found something that I could really sink my teeth into and push forward to help them create a fantastic product. Just a few months later, and here I was again at the same spot that I had met Tiny Phoenix for the first time.
Teaching the Little Ones
Phoenix FanFest - which is put on by the same great organizers as PCC - was hosted on November 11th through the 13th of this year. The Tiny Phoenix booth was a non-stop hub of excitement and gameplay from a wide range of community members; from small children to amazing cosplayers! The team over at Tiny Phoenix got the chance to hand out a plethora of stickers and small newsletters to the attendees of the convention while meeting hundreds of fans of old and new.
One Tiny Phoenix member said that events such as Phoenix FanFest are “a major forum for both testing and promoting our company and our products”. The team realized this rather quickly when the booth was constantly flooded by interested patrons of the event. It seemed having a video game company demonstrating on the floor was a draw for many of those who were interested in multiple forms of entertainment outside of comics and film.
Time to Go Home
Going forward from the event, we have started working towards additional content for Frank From Earth. We also fixed a few bugs that sprouted up during the convention’s playtesting, like the persistent issue with connecting multiple controllers.
The experiences we here at Tiny Phoenix share with our community are some of the most heartwarming of our lives. We had this wonderful experience thanks to the help of Phoenix Comic Con and the Phoenix Conventions Center. We are so grateful for everyone who came out and cannot wait to see you all again in the near future.
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